gTLD Strategy

TMCH Tech Summit Kicks Off Today

FairWinds Partners —  August 20, 2012 If you read our last gTLD Strategy post, you’re probably sick of hearing about the Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH) by now. But today ...
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Clearing Up Clearinghouse Confusion

FairWinds Partners —  August 14, 2012 In a recent post, we talked about silver bullets – specifically, the belief that new gTLDs would be a magic cure to ...
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Public Comment Period Extended

FairWinds Partners —  August 10, 2012 ICANN announced today that the new gTLD Public Comment period has been extended until September 26, 2012. This means that members of ...
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The Google Question

FairWinds Partners —  August 7, 2012 It has remained a mystery, an object of sometimes intense speculation, basically since new gTLDs first entered into conversations about digital strategy. ...
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ICANN Wants YOU…for gTLD Batching

FairWinds Partners —  July 31, 2012 In an announcement published over the weekend, ICANN issued a request for community input on “requirements for an evaluation and delegation process” ...
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FairWinds Advises Brands on Making the Most of New gTLDs in Managing IP Article

FairWinds Partners —  July 18, 2012 Today, Managing IP published an article that posed the question, “How can I make the most of the potential new gTLDs?” The ...
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ICANN’s Yellow Brick Road…and Red, Blue, and Green Brick Roads

FairWinds Partners —  July 16, 2012 It’s summertime. Your new gTLD applications are in, the jury (or in this case, the ICANN Board) is still out on batching, ...
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From the Application Window to the Ballot Box

FairWinds Partners —  July 11, 2012 Politics and government abound when your headquarters are located in Washington, DC. The White House is a relatively short walk down Pennsylvania ...
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FairWinds Partners —  June 29, 2012 With the Public Meeting in Prague taking place less than two weeks after ICANN’s big reveal of the 1,930 new gTLD applications, ...
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Last Nail into the Coffin

FairWinds Partners —   June 28, 2012 After nearly a full week of debates, discussions, meetings, and even a handful of thinly veiled jabs from community members, the ...
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ICANN: Why Being in the Know is Key

FairWinds Partners —  June 26, 2012 Early this morning, at 7:30 AM Prague time, a group of new gTLD applicants and members of the gTLD Registries Stakeholder Group ...
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A Move Toward a Single Batch?

FairWinds Partners —   June 25, 2012 In the few days since ICANN made the decision to suspend the Digital Archery system for batching applications, discussions about next ...
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