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The Impact of ICANN’s New gTLD Program on the Domain Name Industry

In June 2011, the Board of Directors of ICANN authorized the launch of the New gTLD Program, an unprecedented move with unknown potential impacts on ...
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Three Significant UDRP Decisions To Review Before Filing A Complaint

Is your team or outside counsel: Exploring approaches to mark-infringing domain name reclaim? Newly considering filing domain name complaints under the Uniform Dispute Resolution Policy ...
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State of the Net for the Week of December 23

By Yvette Miller What are your New Year’s Resolutions? As your wrap up your year, consider what you still need to do to prepare for ...
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Happy Holidays!

’Tis the season to not only be jolly but thankful, as well. FairWinds Partners has had an extremely busy, but exciting year, and we are ...
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Short But Sweet

By Steve Levy In one of the shortest UDRP cases I’ve ever seen, LivingSocial was able to reclaim the domain name, represented by yours ...
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State of the Net for the Week of December 16

By Yvette Miller The multistakeholder community’s response to ICANN’s Novemeber 17th announcement of its Panel on the Future of Global Internet Cooperation was to create ...
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The Changing Landscape of Brand Protection in 2014

As 2014 draws to a close, I look back on the monumental changes that have happened in the domain name space and in brand protection ...
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Why Are You Making Me Do All This Extra Work?

Steve Levy ⬥ 8 December For UDRP Panelists, some cases are very straightforward and obvious and it takes very little time to draft a decision. ...
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Sometimes Doing Nothing Means Everything

I’ve won many UDRP cases where the disputed domain name fails to resolve to any website or other content. This is often called “passive holding” ...
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Sometimes Doing Nothing Means Everything

Steve Levy ⬥ 24 November I’ve won many UDRP cases where the disputed domain name fails to resolve to any website or other content. This ...
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Social Media Branding Protection 101

Sam Foster ⬥ 20 November In the last decade, social media has become a ubiquitous part of our everyday lives, here in the U.S. and ...
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State of the Net for the Week of November 17

Yvette Miller ⬥ 17 November ICANN 51 wrapped up without any concrete steps towards resolution on the release of two-character second-level domains (SLD) in new ...
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