Three Significant UDRP Decisions To Review Before Filing A Complaint

Is your team or outside counsel:

  • Exploring approaches to mark-infringing domain name reclaim?
  • Newly considering filing domain name complaints under the Uniform Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP)?
  • Taking stock of unsuccessful UDRP complaints filed in the past?

If so, then consider downloading, reviewing, and sharing this new UDRP decisions guide produced by the FairWinds UDRP Team.

In this quick reference to the Policy, the FairWinds UDRP team outlines the information you need in order to safeguard money, time, and brand reputation by filing the right complaints, the right way.

Three Significant UDRP Decisions To Review Before Filing A Complaint” includes guidance on:

  1. Best practices for protecting brands in light of cybersquatting trends;
  2. The growth of the internet via ICANN’s New gTLD Program; and
  3. The history, use, and structure of the UDRP.

You’ll also gain insight into the Policy with several illustrative case studies that analyze UDRP panel opinions on the significance of intentionality behind registrations and the determination of a domain name’s potential for consumer confusion:

  • Staedtler Mars v. Maryna Kobielieva []
  • Phillip Plein v. Kimberly Webb []
  • Big 5 vs. EyeAim []

To speak to a member of the FairWinds staff about this report, or to learn more about online brand protection and domain name reclaim procedures, including when to file UDRPs and when to explore other options, please contact the UDRP Team via email.

About the FairWinds UDRP Team

Led by in-house experts Steve Levy and Sam Foster, the FairWinds UDRP Team creates and hosts a free, Quarterly UDRP Webinar in which they provide an overview of UDRP trends in the new gTLD space, an analysis of recent UDRP decisions, and an introduction to a new value proposition regarding the Policy procedure.

They also contribute posts on brand protection and the UDRP to the FairWinds Blog, in addition to advising and assisting clients with filing UDRP complaints.

FairWinds Senior Advisor Steve Levy is an attorney with over 23 years of experience practicing law and manages FairWinds’ Domain Name Reclaim Services. He provides clients with a cost effective and reliable means of prioritizing infringing domain names and then recovering them, which helps to protect the clients’ reputations and drive traffic to their legitimate websites. Steve has long history of success when it comes to reclaiming domain names, which includes over 100 UDRP victories on behalf of FairWinds’ clients.

About the FairWinds approach to UDRP services: “We only file winning cases. With over 300 successful UDRP complaints to our name you can be confident you’re hiring the best.” – Levy

Sam Foster, Director of Client Development, works closely with the Steve Levy, as a member of the UDRP Team. Sam specializes in developing sales strategies and other projects designed to help FairWinds continue to grow. Before coming to FairWinds, Sam worked on a variety of business development projects for clients ranging from large consulting firms to Silicon Valley start-ups at Vorsight, a business-to-business sales company in Arlington, VA. He graduated from the University of Richmond with a degree in International Studies with a concentration in Economics.

About the FairWinds approach to UDRP services: “FairWinds’ risk-free UDRP services allow clients the peace of mind that they are receiving not only expert advice and service, but that they will only be billed once a positive decision has been returned to them. Eliminating the risk of filing poorly constructed UDRP complaints, or finding alternative ways to resolve instances of cybersquatting, means FairWinds’ clients are more efficient with their online IP enforcement.” – Foster

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