
S.M.A.R.T gTLD Service

Be prepared when the second application period for .BRANDs and other gTLDs begins.

The Strategy and Marketing Assessment of Round Two (S.M.A.R.T.) will provide you with detailed analysis regarding the degree to which owning and operating a .BRAND aligns with your company’s online strategy, including:

  • Marketing goals,
  • Security goals, and
  • Brand protection goals.

The SMART gTLD Service also includes the following critical information:

  • A step-by-step overview of the application process,
  • A cost breakdown of the application process, and
  • Updates about the timing of a second round.

During the 2012 application round, FairWinds prepared a total of 135 new gTLD applications for companies ranging from Fortune 100 corporations to cutting-edge digital brands.

For More Information About New gTLDs

For more information about applying for and launching a new gTLD, visit our blog. While you’re there, be sure to check out this post about how over half of the most innovative companies, as defined by Boston Consulting Group, invested in new gTLDs in the first New gTLD Program Application Period.

Strategy & Marketing Assessment of Round Two (S.M.A.R.T.)

Contact us to put FairWinds’ experience, as a strategic advisor to over 40 global corporations on matters related to new gTLDs, to work for your company today.

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