Happy Holidays!

’Tis the season to not only be jolly but thankful, as well. FairWinds Partners has had an extremely busy, but exciting year, and we are now counting our blessings.

As we wind down 2013 and prepare for the New Year, we would like to say thank you to our fantastic clients, our creative vendors, and most of all you, our readers, for your subscriptions, views, comments, and other encouraging words. We craft each blog post with you in mind and we hope you will continue to find our content useful.

The holiday season is also a time to give back and help others. This year FairWinds pledged to donate to the St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital and the Incredible Teddy Foundation based on the number of unique views our holiday card received. We are happy to report that we exceeded our goal and will donate $1,000.00 to each organization, which will enable further research and treatment for pediatric diseases in order to improve the health and quality of life for children worldwide.

Best wishes for a happy and productive New Year!

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