
What Are You Fighting About? – Filing Disputes In Court Or The UDRP

By Steve Levy A couple of recent UDRP decisions have highlighted the issue of what’s within the scope of, and appropriate for the policy and what disputes are ...
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Are You Talking To The Right Person?

By Steve Levy Not all domain name disputes need to end up as UDRP complaints. Although it’s become more of a challenge since the adoption of the GDPR – which ...
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Pursuing Fakers And Fraudsters As Counterfeiting Continues To Expand

By Steve Levy You know that an issue has grown to a substantial size when it makes it into The Wall Street Journal. For many years now, FairWinds ...
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Falsified Evidence In The Age Of AI

By Steve Levy In all the years I’ve been filing UDRP complaints, there had only been a couple of cases where I’ve encountered evidence that was blatantly manufactured ...
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UDRP Basics – What Do You Need to Prove?

By Steve Levy Do you really know the nuts and bolts of what goes into a successful UDRP case? Let’s start with the basics. There’s the Policy itself, the ...
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Socialsquatting – Finally Time For a SUDRP?

By Steve Levy When brand owners talk about online intellectual property enforcement the first topic is usually domain names and the Uniform Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP). Another topic ...
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No Trademark Registration? Still Trademark Rights?

By Steve Levy In UDRP cases, a key threshold test for succeeding is the ability to prove you have the trademark rights. And recently there have been a ...
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Later Is Better Than Never – Delay In Filing UDRP Complaints

By Steve Levy Maybe you just started a new in-house job, or your company just made a new acquisition or merger. Maybe, in your due diligence, you noticed ...
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Later Is Better Than Never – Delay In Filing UDRP Complaints

By Steve Levy Maybe you just started a new in-house job, or your company just made a new acquisition or merger. Maybe, in your due diligence, you noticed ...
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The Dark Side of the .AI TLD: Implications for Brand Owners

By Tom Wells and Gabe Bonifacio Introduction With the rapid advancement of technology and the increasing popularity of artificial intelligence (AI), the adoption of the .AI top-level domain ...
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Blinded By The Light – How Does A Famous Brand Influence A UDRP Case?

By Steve Levy Let’s face it. Not all brands are created equal. Some are famous, some are super famous, and some have a very limited reputation, perhaps from ...
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Towing The Line On Trademarks – Can You Hitch An Infringement Claim To A UDRP Case?

By Steve Levy It is a foundational concept that the UDRP was created to deal with abuse of trademarks through the registration and use of domain names, namely, ...
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