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Watch Collector Gets His Clock Cleaned in UDRP

Steve Levy ⬥  15 November When I think about receiving a UDRP complaint I recognize that there are some valiant causes to be defended and ...
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State of the Net for the Week of November 11

Yvette Miller ⬥ 11 November One week out from ICANN’s next public meeting, which will be held in Buenos Aires, and a few more details ...
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State of the Net for the Week of November 10

FairWinds Partners ⬥ 10 November The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) 91 meeting is being held in Honolulu, Hawaii this week. The group works to ...
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A Brief History of the UDRP

Steve Levy ⬥  30 October We write about trademark enforcement and domain disputes, but we rarely discuss how these policies – which allow for the ...
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A Brief History of the UDRP

Steve Levy ⬥  30 October We write about trademark enforcement and domain disputes, but we rarely discuss how these policies – which allow for the ...
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What is Social Squatting?

Sam Foster ⬥ 28 October As the popularity of social media platforms increases and their numbers proliferate, attorneys are constantly trying to shut down usernames ...
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Legal Fees Go Up in Smoke

Steve Levy ⬥  27 October As a brand owner have you ever wondered how efficiently you’re using your precious trademark enforcement budget?  During my nearly ...
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State of the Net for the Week of October 27

Yvette Miller ⬥ 27 October The United Nation’s International Telecommunication Union’s Plenipotentiary Conference, which the Washington Post called “the latest battle over who should run ...
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Why is Social Media Important to Business?

Sam Foster ⬥ 24 October For some newer, smaller brands, pushing out great content via social media posts – promoted or organic – allows them ...
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Socially Unacceptable?

Steve Levy ⬥  29 September I’d like to take a brief departure this week from our usual discussion of domain name disputes and talk about ...
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State of the Net for the Week of September 29

Yvette Miller ⬥ 29 September This past Saturday, ICANN closed the comment period on enhancing its accountability process, a topic that will continue to be ...
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Panel Rules Case is Better Suited for Court

Steve Levy ⬥ 22 September When reading the “Parties’ Contentions” section of this decision over the domain <>, my mind was starting to fill up ...
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