State of the Net for the Week of November 10

FairWinds Partners ⬥ 10 November

The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) 91 meeting is being held in Honolulu, Hawaii this week. The group works to create protocols that can be adopted to solve technical problems in the infrastructure of the Internet and as such, the IETF meetings focus more heavily on the technical side of the spectrum than the other meetings that brands may hear about in their interactions with the domain name space. The current meeting, for example, will cover topics such as secure inter-domain routing and IPv6 operations.

According to its mission statement, the IETF’s goal “is to make the Internet work better by producing high quality, relevant technical documents that influence the way people design, use, and manage the Internet.”

Where the IETF conference tackles what is perhaps more familiar material is in the category of Name Collisions.

When ICANN adopted the recommendation in the Name Collision Occurrence Management Framework that the .MAIL, .CORP and .HOME gTLDs should be indefinitely deferred from delegation, ICANN stated that it will collaborate with the IETF to permanently reserve these strings through an IETF process.

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