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Disorder in the Court

Josh Bourne ⬥ 29 April Southern Company (Southern), a Fortune 500 company that provides energy related services in the South, filed for an injunction against ...
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Who Should Hold the Reins?

Phil Lodico ⬥ 27 April We’ve talked a lot about the governance issues in ICANN, but it’s trickier to discuss ways to go about fixing ...
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Getting Graphic

Josh Bourne ⬥ 17 April From conversations that I’ve had, the following description of the ICANN supply chain tends to set off some light bulbs ...
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Marketing Across the Pond

Josh Bourne ⬥ 9 April As I was riding in a taxi in London, I noticed this ad for Microsoft’s Windows Mobile: The tagline of ...
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Tweet Success?

Phil Lodico ⬥ 7 April If you read the FairWinds Weekly News Brief, you’ve likely noticed that companies such as Facebook and SecondLife are often ...
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Think Again

Phil Lodico ⬥ 31 March The Technology Policy Institute (TPI), a Washington-based think tank that is focused on “the economics of innovation, technological change, and ...
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Redefining the Space

Phil Lodico ⬥ 19 March The issue of new TLDs is not only limited to conversation within the domain industry or among brand owners; the ...
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Auf Wiedersehen/Au Revoir/Arrivederci/A Revair

Josh Bourne ⬥ 6 March I’m spending the remainder of my trip to Switzerland visiting some old and new friends with my colleague Katie Richards, ...
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Guten Tag from Switzerland

Josh Bourne ⬥ 5 March Last time I was in Switzerland was in October, and now business brings me back to the country right in ...
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Greater Than the Sum of Its Parts

Josh Bourne ⬥ 23 February WIPO recently published a valuation method document written by Kelvin King, founding partner of Valuation consulting, which states, “the role ...
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The Elephant in the Room

Phil Lodico ⬥ 27 February Since ICANN decided to proceed with the vast expansion of the domain name space, Internet users and those in the ...
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Supply and Demand

Josh Bourne ⬥ 19 February ICANN has opened up a public comment period for NeuStar’s request for a phased allocation process of single and two-character ...
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