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FINRA Offers Guidance on Blogs and Social Networking Web Sites

FairWinds Partners ⬥ 8 February With hundreds of social media Web sites, business and personal communication are rapidly changing to real-time. Social media is in ...
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Lead Generation from Domain Names

Josh Bourne ⬥ 1 February At the heart of online marketing is the goal of attracting visitors to Web sites and engaging with them in ...
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When the Secret’s Out

Josh Bourne ⬥ 5 January TechCrunch recently picked up MacRumor’s report on Apple’s assumed possession of the domain name MacRumor found that the whois ...
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Personalized Phishing

Josh Bourne ⬥ 31 December I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday! After time spent worrying about things such as finalizing plans and buying Christmas ...
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Hostess Shown the Door

Steve Levy ⬥ 14 December Imagine that you’re one of the top-selling producers of snack cakes under a very famous 90-year-old brand. Next, imagine that ...
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Toys for Tots’ Domain Opportunity

Josh Bourne ⬥ 11 December Many of us in the U.S. are familiar with Toys for Tots, the charitable program that collects new toys every ...
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One-Third of all .COM Sites Are a Risk

Phil Lodico ⬥ 9 December McAfee, one of the leading manufacturers of anti-virus and security software, recently released a report titled “Mapping the Mal Web” ...
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The Speed of Squatting

Josh Bourne ⬥ 30 November One of the most common practices in domain name speculation is for individuals to register domain names related to current ...
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Bad Intent on

Steve Levy ⬥ 23 December Since our report a week ago on the decision, a claim under the Anti-Cybersquatting Consumer Protection Act (ACPA) has ...
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Romanian Holiday

Josh Bourne ⬥ 18 November I just returned from a trip to Romania to visit friends and hunt geese, pheasant and partridge. I really enjoyed ...
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Glenn Beck Follow-Up

Steve Levy ⬥ 13 November On October 9th, I posted an entry on Glenn Beck filing a UDRP complaint with WIPO over the domain name ...
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A Compact Car Can’t Do The Work Of A Tractor-Trailer: The UDRP Falters When Discovery Is Key

Steve Levy ⬥ 6 November Earlier this year the National Arbitration Forum, (“NAF”) rejected a UDRP complaint brought by the Automobile Association of America (“AAA”) ...
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