“What Do You Think?”

Josh Bourne ⬥ 8 April

When I talk with clients and people I know who are involved in the domain name space, the questions they ask me often start with, “What do you think…” It occurred to me recently that providing answers to that type of question is a major part of what we do here at FairWinds. Of course, when I talk about what FairWinds can do for a particular company, I focus on our neutrality, our research orientation and our experience, all of which are combined into the services we offer. But on a simpler, more basic level, what we do can be summed up by how our clients extract value from their relationship with us – by knowing they can turn to us whenever they need advice about domain name or other related issues.

Our clients are busy people with a lot going on. As the Internet continues to grow, decisions become more difficult and risks and opportunities are often unknown or hard to identify. But time, energy and resources can be saved (and mistakes avoided) by asking advice from people you trust, people who have to right perspective to be able to think through different scenarios and reach meaningful and useful conclusions. That is why I love answering question that start with “What do you think…” and filling the role of advisor for our clients. It reminds me that FairWinds has become the type of business we hoped it would become.

Tags: advice, clients, domain names, experience, FairWinds, Internet, research orientation

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