- Domain Name Strategy
Phil Lodico ⬥ 20 June Anybody who has had a friend sneak onto his or her Facebook profile and change the information knows the heavy...
- Domain Name Strategy
Phil Lodico ⬥ 12 June ICANN announced on Friday that it has teamed up with the National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago...
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- Domain Name Strategy
Phil Lodico ⬥ 21 May ICANN claims that the roll out of new TLDs is designed to encourage healthy competition in the domain name space,...
- Domain Name Strategy
Josh Bourne ⬥ 14 May It seems like everyone is feeling the economic crunch to some degree. The New York Times reports that even though...
- Domain Name Strategy
Josh Bourne ⬥ 29 April Southern Company (Southern), a Fortune 500 company that provides energy related services in the South, filed for an injunction against...
- Domain Name Strategy
Phil Lodico ⬥ 27 April We’ve talked a lot about the governance issues in ICANN, but it’s trickier to discuss ways to go about fixing...
- Domain Name Strategy
Josh Bourne ⬥ 17 April From conversations that I’ve had, the following description of the ICANN supply chain tends to set off some light bulbs...
- Domain Name Strategy
Josh Bourne ⬥ 9 April As I was riding in a taxi in London, I noticed this ad for Microsoft’s Windows Mobile: The tagline of...
- Domain Name Strategy
Phil Lodico ⬥ 7 April If you read the FairWinds Weekly News Brief, you’ve likely noticed that companies such as Facebook and SecondLife are often...
- Domain Name Strategy
Phil Lodico ⬥ 31 March The Technology Policy Institute (TPI), a Washington-based think tank that is focused on “the economics of innovation, technological change, and...
- Domain Name Strategy
Phil Lodico ⬥ 19 March The issue of new TLDs is not only limited to conversation within the domain industry or among brand owners; the...