- Domain Name Strategy
Steve Levy ⬥ 25 March Sometimes UDRP complaints come along that are obvious attempts at gaining control of a domain name to which the Complainant...
- Domain Name Strategy
Zane Bundy ⬥ 24 April Go ahead – type into your browser bar. Ever the master of personal branding, William Adams (a.k.a. has...
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- Domain Name Strategy
Steve Levy ⬥ 19 April Politics and domain names often walk hand in hand these days. Organizing for Action, a non-profit organization aligned with the...
- gTLD Strategy
FairWinds Partners — April 4, 2013 FairWinds CEO Nao Matsukata is advocating for ICANN to offer an alternative draft Registry Agreement (RA) for Internal Registries,...
- Domain Name Strategy
Yvette Miller ⬥ 29 March Fake Whois information has long been a source of frustration to anyone looking to deal with domain names that are...
- gTLD Strategy
FairWinds Partners — March 25, 2013 On March 22, ICANN announced the first 27 applications for new gTLDs that passed Initial Evaluation. The 27 applications...
- gTLD Strategy
FairWinds Partners — March 20, 2013 A few days after ICANN’s new gTLD Objection Filing period closed last Wednesday evening, the first objections are beginning...
- Domain Name Strategy
Steve Levy ⬥ 18 March The University of Miami filed two UDRP complaints with the National Arbitration Forum (NAF) and, and although the...
- Domain Name Strategy
Yvette Miller ⬥ 15 March A major theme to come out of INTA’s 2013 Trademarks and the Changing Internet LandscapeConference in New York City was...
- gTLD Strategy
FairWinds Partners — March 12, 2013 The clock is winding down to the close of ICANN’s period to file objections against new gTLD applications. With...
- Domain Name Strategy
Steve Levy ⬥ 11 March Popular meme-generator Cheezburger Inc. filed a UDRP complaint against rival site WeKnowMemes over its primary domain name with the...