Bed, Bath, and Bam!

Steve Levy ⬥ 24 May

Bed, Bath and Beyond recently won a major victory in the fight against cybersquatting by successfully recovering 59 domain names in a single decision (yes, you did read that right). The household goods retailer’s recent haul included domain names such as and

As you know, we frequently present cases in which complaints were denied, however, we love seeing instances of resounding victories for Complainants against repeat-offending cybersquatters.

The National Arbitration Forum (NAF) panelist found that the domain names are confusingly similar to the Complainant’s mark, the Respondent has not established rights and legitimate interests in the domain name and the Respondent registered and uses the domain names in bad faith. The Respondent failed to even submit a response in the proceedings. Hmm, maybe just a tad suspicious? That’s game over.

Tags: Bed Bath and Beyond, cybersquatting, domain names, enforcement, household goods, NAF, National Arbitration Forum

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