Author name: fairwindsp

Disorder in the Court

Josh Bourne ⬥ 29 April Southern Company (Southern), a Fortune 500 company that provides energy related services in the South, filed for an injunction against Dauben, Inc, a corporation that owns over 600,000 domain names, to suspend its use of the domains and Southern, which is a Fortune 500 gas & electric utility,

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Getting Graphic

Josh Bourne ⬥ 17 April From conversations that I’ve had, the following description of the ICANN supply chain tends to set off some light bulbs and pique interest:   If you look at this chain and then remember that the GNSO (a major policy development entity in ICANN) was recently restructured to favor the wholesalers

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Tweet Success?

Phil Lodico ⬥ 7 April If you read the FairWinds Weekly News Brief, you’ve likely noticed that companies such as Facebook and SecondLife are often in the news in our Web 2.0 section.  The trick is determining whether these new platforms will continue to gain steam and pinpointing how they can be used in a

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Think Again

Phil Lodico ⬥ 31 March The Technology Policy Institute (TPI), a Washington-based think tank that is focused on “the economics of innovation, technological change, and related regulation in the United States and around the world,” recently released a study on ICANN titled “ICANN at a Crossroads: A Proposal for Better Governance and Performance.” The study

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