Webinar: Using the UDRP to Mitigate Malware Threats

By Emily Johns

We all know the Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy (UDRP) can be a faster and easier way to take ownership of a domain name. Did you know that the UDRP could also help you face the growing security threats such as Fast Flux DNS?

Given changes to the broader Internet advertising landscape, the highly common Pay-Per-Click monetization scheme is no longer as profitable for squatters. As a result, bad-actors have turned to alternative parking platforms such as Fast-Flux DNS.

Fast-Flux DNS auctions off a visit to a range of potential advertisers and the visitor is taken to any number of different pages, often hosting malware, ransomware, phishing, or commercial content.

The potential incremental harm of someone landing on a malicious page tied to Fast-Flux DNS is significantly higher than that of someone landing on a Pay-Per-Click site and thus poses an increased threat.

What Will Be Covered In the Webinar?

Join us on Tuesday, October 3 at 1:00 PM EST as we explore how you can use the UDRP to protect your online brand presence against malware threats.

Trademark and Domain Name Expert, Steve Levy, will discuss how UDRP can serve as a defense against emerging security threats such as Fast Flux DNS sites.

Tune in to learn about:

  • The dangers posed by Fast Flux DNS
  • The three-part Golden UDRP Rule
  • How to decide if a UDRP is right for you

Having a good defense as a Brand is as vital. Come learn more on how the UDRP can be an effective tool in managing trademark infringement and malware threats.

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