Up in the Clouds

Taylor Frank ⬥ 15 July

Back in April, the domain name iCloud.com made news with rumors that Apple had purchased it for a cool $4.5 million from Swedish company Xcerion, who had changed the name of its cloud-based storage service from “iCloud” to “CloudMe.”

Now, it looks like clouds have rolled back into the media spotlight: according to TechCrunch, Citrix Systems has purchased Cloud.com – the business, not just the domain name – for between $200 and $250 million. Cloud.com provides software infrastructure platforms for clients like Zynga, Tata and others.

Citrix points out in its official announcement about the acquisition that it will now be able to offer “a complete portfolio of virtualization, orchestration and networking solutions purpose built for the Cloud Era.” And luckily for Citrix, the deal happens to come with a great domain name. 

Tags: Apple, Citrix Systems, Cloud Era, domain names, iCloud, Tata, TechCrunch, Xcerion, Zynga

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