State of the Net for the Week of June 23

Yvette Miller ⬥ 23 June

As predicted, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers’ public meeting in London is focused on the issue of ICANN accountability.

The word from the FairWinds team on the ground at ICANN 50 is that ICANN’s responsibility to be accountable for policy decisions and technical coordination of the Internet has dominated discussions across all the constituency groups represented at the meeting. At the same time, many of the invited speakers used the opening ceremony as an opportunity to express support for the United States relinquishing its control over the IANA contract which, some argue, also functioned as an informal oversight role for ICANN.

What will fill the oversight vacuum once the U.S. steps back from the IANA contract? The Internet community will work on developing a solution, and national governments continue to be vocal about their opinions on the matter. According to the Financial Times, “Paris will demand a big shake-up of ICANN … at a meeting of its government advisory committee in London on Monday, calling for a bigger say for states in its governance.”

Be sure to stay posted to this site and follow us on Twitter for the latest on the ICANN meeting and news on the domain name space.

For Your Radar

June 22 – 26:  ICANN 50 in London

October 12 – 16: ICANN 51 in Los Angeles

October 29: Nine-Month Contracting Deadline for Applicants with CIRs

July 29, 2015: 18-Month Contracting Deadline for Applicants with CIRs that Request and are Granted the 9-month extension

Public Comment Periods to Consider:

June 27: Comment period closes on Enhancing ICANN Accountability

July 11: Comment period closes on WHOIS Requirements and National Law Conflicts

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