Held in Contempt

Tom Carroll ⬥ 26 February

Today, harried law school applicants looking to meet the March 1 deadline for law school applications have been navigating to LSAC.org, home to the Law School Admissions Council, only to be met with this page:

Rather than this one:

The website has experienced intermittent problems today, frustrating visitors and undercutting the reputation of the LSAC as applicants take to social media platforms to vent.

This is a prime example of why having a strong, stable domain name strategy – one that ensures that your company delivers consistent, expected, and authentic content to its online audiences – is critical. Failing to provide your services through a reliable, online storefront has very real consequences, as LSAC and law school applicants learned the hard way.

Tags: domain names, Law School Admissions Council, law school applicants, LSAC, online storefront

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