Domain Names Get LINfected

FairWinds Partners ⬥ 17 February

Until I heard about Jeremy Lin, I really couldn’t have cared less about the NBA and especially, as a Boston girl, the New York Knicks. For the most part, my disinterest continues. Still, it’s difficult to not to be inspired by Lin’s unlikely and meteoric rise from a third-string point guard who crashed on his brother’s couch to the star of the NBA who out-maneuvered Kobe Bryant.

According to recent reports, that “Linspiration” has already reached the domain name space with the registration of dozens of names in the last two weeks, most of which are a play on Lin’s name, such as or In fact, just about every “Lin” domain I could come up with had been registered since February 9th, including,, and One registrant who isn’t surprised by Lin’s sudden success? His former high school basketball coach, who registered and back in 2010 and now uses to sell Jeremy Lin t-shirts.

Oh, and for those still hoping to get in on the Linsane domain action, and were still available at the time of this posting.

Tags: domain names, Jeremy Lin, Linspiration, NBA, New York Knicks

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