Congressional Hearing Examines ICANN’s House of Cards

Phil Lodico ⬥ 24 September

The House Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on Courts and Competition Policy held a hearing yesterday on the potential rollout of new TLDs and how such a rollout would affect competition.  At start of the hearing, House Judiciary Committee Chairman Conyers made a very good point—this is not a hearing that Congress should have had to pull together. As Steve DelBianco (Executive Director at NetChoice and a witness at the hearing) pointed out, if ICANN was working properly, there would be no need for Congressional intervention. Unfortunately, ICANN is broken and needs to be fixed if there is to be hope for a safe, stable and flourishing Internet in the future.

Just how broken is ICANN? Check out CADNA’s Top Ten list of things wrong with the organization. The Coalition has gotten positive feedback on this evaluation thus far- what are your thoughts? 

Tags: CADNA, Congress, Conyers, House Judiciary Committee, ICANN, Internet, NetChoice, Steve DelBianco, Subcommittee on Courts and Competition Policy, TLDs

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