.COM, .CO, .INFO, O.My!

Josh Bourne ⬥ 2 March

In the latest on the march to rebrand Overstock.com as O.co, the company this week launchedO.info, which it is billing as a portal for customer reviews of Overstock.com’s—excuse me—O.co’s products and services, as well as information about company policies.

As I wrote last November, following consumer confusion over whether to use the domain name Overstock.com or O.co to access the company’s website, Overstock announced that it was “stepping back” from its O.co domain. With this latest development, the company appears to be forwarding its rebranding efforts once again. It probably doesn’t help with the consumer confusion issue that Overstock.info has been registered to various third parties since 2004.

Despite the inconsistencies and confusion surrounding the O.co rebranding, Overstock’s use of the .INFO gTLD as a platform to deliver information and reviews to consumers is an intuitive and memorable use of the gTLD and, with the right marketing, just might be successful—not to mention help its languishing cousin, O.co.

Tags: .INFO, consumer confusion, domain names, gTLDs, marketing, Overstock, rebranding

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