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By Steve Levy In UDRP cases there are a few “frequent flyers” – habitual cybersquatters who keep coming back again and again. Successful in monetizing...
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By Steve Levy After about 30 years of watching cybersquatting flourish, I’d have thought that most typo domain names had been taken or transferred to...
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By Steve Levy Way back near the dawn of the 21st century, before the tsunami that was to become known as “social media” crashed upon...
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By Steve Levy A couple of recent UDRP decisions have highlighted the issue of what’s within the scope of, and appropriate for the policy and...
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By Steve Levy Not all domain name disputes need to end up as UDRP complaints. Although it’s become more of a challenge since the adoption...
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By Steve Levy You know that an issue has grown to a substantial size when it makes it into The Wall Street Journal. For many...
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By Steve Levy In all the years I’ve been filing UDRP complaints, there had only been a couple of cases where I’ve encountered evidence that...
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By Steve Levy Do you really know the nuts and bolts of what goes into a successful UDRP case? Let’s start with the basics. There’s...
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By Steve Levy When brand owners talk about online intellectual property enforcement the first topic is usually domain names and the Uniform Dispute Resolution Policy...
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By Steve Levy In UDRP cases, a key threshold test for succeeding is the ability to prove you have the trademark rights. And recently there...
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By Steve Levy Maybe you just started a new in-house job, or your company just made a new acquisition or merger. Maybe, in your due...