- Domain Name Strategy
Yvette Miller ⬥ 22 September In the expanding Internet of Things, trademark owners have the task of making sure that intellectual property rights keep up...
- Domain Name Strategy
Yvette Miller ⬥ 15 September Today is the last day that ICANN is accepting comments on “Implementing Rights Protection Mechanisms in the Name Collision Mitigation...
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- Domain Name Strategy
Yvette Miller ⬥ 25 August Twitter is in the news because it has changed its algorithm for its timelines. According to Re/code, Twitter’s algorithm now...
- Domain Name Strategy
FairWinds Partners ⬥ 18 August Hope you have had a great summer and, as we move towards an active autumn, plan to join the community...
- Domain Name Strategy
Steve Levy ⬥ 15 August LYTRO digital camera maker in California goes after a respondent in Australia who claims he registered for use in...
- Domain Name Strategy
FairWinds Partners ⬥ 11 August Twenty-four new gTLD applications that had been in limbo because of potential name collision issues are now moving forward thanks...
- Domain Name Strategy
Yvette Miller ⬥ 28 July Business-to-consumer online sales worldwide will increase by nearly 20 percent from 2013 to 2014, according to eMarketer. That will bring...
- Domain Name Strategy
Steve Levy ⬥ 28 July Remember how often I’ve said it’s important to hire counsel experienced with the UDRP and all of its nuances? At...
- Domain Name Strategy
Yvette Miller ⬥ 21 July Some of Sony’s gaming websites, including and, stopped working last week. Instead of seeing content, users found placeholder...
- Domain Name Strategy
Steve Levy ⬥ 21 July I rarely comment on FairWinds’ own cases, but this one, filed with the National Arbitration Forum (NAF) on behalf of...
- Domain Name Strategy
FairWinds Partners ⬥ 18 July ICANN’s 51st public meeting in its hometown Los Angeles in October is coming into focus just as ICANN 50 in...