- Domain Name Strategy
Samantha Demetriou ⬥ 11 July I have a confession to make. I’ve never read a comic book. I’ve flipped through the pages of graphic novels...
- Domain Name Strategy
Samantha Demetriou ⬥ 11 July I have a confession to make. I’ve never read a comic book. I’ve flipped through the pages of graphic novels...
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- gTLD Strategy
FairWinds Partners — June 29, 2012 With the Public Meeting in Prague taking place less than two weeks after ICANN’s big reveal of the 1,930...
- gTLD Strategy
FairWinds Partners — June 28, 2012 After nearly a full week of debates, discussions, meetings, and even a handful of thinly veiled jabs from community...
- gTLD Strategy
FairWinds Partners — June 26, 2012 Early this morning, at 7:30 AM Prague time, a group of new gTLD applicants and members of the gTLD...
- gTLD Strategy
FairWinds Partners — June 25, 2012 In the few days since ICANN made the decision to suspend the Digital Archery system for batching applications, discussions...
- gTLD Strategy
FairWinds Partners — June 24, 2012 Yesterday, ICANN made waves by announcing that it had suspended the Digital Archery process for batching. In the public...
- gTLD Strategy
FairWinds Partners — June 21, 2012 One week after ICANN revealed 1,930 applications for new gTLDs, the Internet community continues to debate the validity of...
- Domain Name Strategy
Phil Lodico ⬥ 15 June Despite months of troubling news from financially wrought Greece, ICANN’s gTLD Reveal last Wednesday shed light on one Greek company...
- Domain Name Strategy
Phil Lodico ⬥ 15 June Despite months of troubling news from financially wrought Greece, ICANN’s gTLD Reveal last Wednesday shed light on one Greek company...
- gTLD Strategy
FairWinds Partners — June 15, 2012 Maybe we shouldn’t be surprised at this point. But this morning, when we woke up and checked our email...