
Josh Bourne ⬥ 3 December A collective of enforcement agencies around the world joined forces recently to seize 132 domain names selling counterfeit goods as...

FairWinds Partners — December 3, 2012 As we mentioned in our last post, GAC Early Warnings came out late last Tuesday night. In total, 39...

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FairWinds Partners — November 21, 2012 As promised, ICANN’s Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC) filed its Early Warnings on individual applications for new gTLDs on November...

Josh Bourne ⬥ 20 November A few weeks ago, I wrote about the domain name redirecting to a page taunting the Brooklyn Nets and...

Josh Bourne ⬥ 20 November A few weeks ago, I wrote about the domain name redirecting to a page taunting the Brooklyn Nets and...

FairWinds Partners — November 15, 2012 We largely focus on brand owners here on the gTLD Strategy blog – how brand owners will be affected...

FairWinds Partners — November 13, 2012 UPDATE: ICANN has just posted the presentation for today’s webinar. In those slides, ICANN states that the Prioritization Drawing...

Josh Bourne ⬥ 31 October Every hurricane season, it’s difficult to predict which storms will cause colossal damage and which will barely register. There is...

Josh Bourne ⬥ 31 October Every hurricane season, it’s difficult to predict which storms will cause colossal damage and which will barely register. There is...

FairWinds Partners — October 29, 2012 If you’re anywhere near the East Coast of the U.S. like we are at FairWinds, then you’re likely in...

Josh Bourne ⬥ 22 October The Democratic National Committee has turned to the Internet to take on Mitt Romney’s tax cut promises by launching

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