
Steve Levy ⬥ 28 January The National Arbitration Forum (NAF) does not typically have to resolve family feuds, but that is what the body was...

Steve Levy ⬥ 25 January Ah, if only I had a dollar for every time a cybersquatter suggested a business partnership with the brand owner...

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Steve Levy ⬥ 22 January As an experienced domain name lawyer will tell you, if some sort of contract exists between the parties to a...

FairWinds Partners — January 18, 2013 At FairWinds, one of the services we offer clients is a sort of “spring cleaning” of their domain name...

Josh Bourne ⬥ 17 January Veteran California Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein has been a staunch activist against assault weapons throughout her tenure on Capitol Hill,...

FairWinds Partners — January 11, 2013 During today’s new gTLD applicant update webinar, ICANN made some important announcements regarding the timing of upcoming milestones in...

FairWinds Partners — January 4, 2013 Launching a new brand can be tricky, whether you’re a new enterprise making your move onto the global stage...

FairWinds Partners — December 20, 2012 As a special holiday treat, FairWinds is releasing the next three videos in its new gTLD series. Today’s videos...

Josh Bourne ⬥ 18 December We talk a lot about domain name sales, but what about actual name sales? One Florida man decided to link...

Josh Bourne ⬥ 18 December We talk a lot about domain name sales, but what about actual name sales? One Florida man decided to link...

FairWinds Partners — December 18, 2012 The fact that 1,766 new gTLD applications participated in ICANN’s Prioritization Draw held yesterday is interesting for two reasons:...

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