- Domain Name Strategy
Yvette Miller ⬥ 21 April This week, all eyes (or at least those eyes interested in Internet governance) will be on NETmundial, which will be...
- Domain Name Strategy
Steve Levy ⬥ 21 April A recent National Arbitration Forum (NAF) decision reveals that even attorneys can make questionable decisions when it comes to filing...
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- Domain Name Strategy
Steve Levy ⬥ February 24 Barcelona – synonymous with the work of Antoni Gaudi, tapas, football (or soccer as we Americans call it), and the...
- Domain Name Strategy
Josh Bourne ⬥ February 20 “Spectacular execution of a wonderful event.” That was the assessment of one participant at the Beyond the Dot 2014 conference...
- Report
Brands are surprisingly underrepresented in the sports-venue domain name space, a FairWinds Partners study found. In fact, more third parties own domain names combining a...
- Domain Name Strategy
Josh Bourne ⬥ February 19 Brands are constantly juggling different platforms to reach different demographics. Print, TV, and digital platforms are all part of an...
- Domain Name Strategy
Josh Bourne ⬥ February 10 While North Carolina State University at Raleigh’s athletes might be known as “the Wolfpack”, the University’s growl was unfortunately reduced...
- Domain Name Strategy
Josh Bourne ⬥ February 4 We can hardly contain our excitement as the Beyond the Dot 2014 conference comes together. Our latest coup: President Obama’s...
- Domain Name Strategy
Steve Levy ⬥ February 3 As those familiar with the new gTLD rollout know, the Uniform Rapid Suspension (URS) system was created as a less...
- Domain Name Strategy
Yvette Miller ⬥ 31 January How will you promote Internet safety this year? Share at least #OneGoodThing that you will do for a secure, flourishing...
- Domain Name Strategy
Yvette Miller ⬥ 30 January This will be a watershed year for the Internet and for the viability of multiple voices and opinions coming together...