
Yvette Miller ⬥ 30 June Here are some data to consider when thinking about the future battle between .SOCCER, .FUTBOL, and .FOOTBALL (read more about...

Steve Levy ⬥ 30 June Have you ever visited a dentist who went after every possible cavity with his drill – all in one visit?...

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Steve Levy ⬥ 23 June This week’s World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) decision began when a Russian mobile app developer, a Hong Kong-based wall poster...

Yvette Miller ⬥ 23 June As predicted, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers’ public meeting in London is focused on the issue of...

Yvette Miller ⬥ 30 May ICANN has updated its auction schedule for resolving outstanding Contention Sets, or groups of applications for the same or similar...

FairWinds Partners ⬥ 27 May The “.CH” is the country code top level domain for Switzerland, which, according to Wikipedia (, reflects the country’s Latin...

Steve Levy ⬥ 21 May While in Hong Kong last week for the International Trademark Association’s 136th meeting, I attended a training session for National...

Yvette Miller ⬥ 19 May Domain names are important assets for those looking to build brands, and marketers are talking about new top-level domains as...

Steve Levy ⬥ 12 May During a recent presentation, I mentioned that the UDRP and its rule-sets is a complex area – an area that...

Steve Levy ⬥ 28 April The domain at issue in this week’s decision is So what on Earth is “roispresso”, you may ask? Well,...

Yvette Miller ⬥ 28 April The Internet community is still unpacking its opinion of last week’s NETmundial Internet governance conference. Some have come away disappointed...

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