Tweet Success?

Phil Lodico ⬥ 7 April

If you read the FairWinds Weekly News Brief, you’ve likely noticed that companies such as Facebook and SecondLife are often in the news in our Web 2.0 section.  The trick is determining whether these new platforms will continue to gain steam and pinpointing how they can be used in a beneficial way.

I was hesitant about getting in on the latest online zeitgeist—Twitter—but then I read a post from the CEO of Zappos that made a very good point: texting used to be a novelty and something that seemed a little strange to do, but people got used to it and now it’s a commonplace practice. Maybe Twitter will follow the same path?

As BusinessWeek points out, Twitter certainly has potential- it’s free and simple to use, and the site has a powerful search function that can provide a wide audience for interacting with friends, colleagues, and customers alike. However, with everyone Twittering about minutia throughout their day, how does anything stand out amongst all that white noise? Can a business really make an impact tweet by tweet? Maybe that is the point though – it offers a different and more personal way to communicate than traditional business to customer interactions.  Either way, I hope to figure it out.

I’ve just started on Twitter, so if you are a newbie as well, sign up for an account and maybe we can try this out together.

To “follow” me on Twitter, my username is lodico.

I’ll do my best to stay within the Twitter culture while keeping followers abreast of interesting news I read, places I go, people I meet, and a few fun facts such as where to find the world’s largest variety of beers.

Tweet Tweet! 

Tags: BusinessWeek, Facebook, FairWinds, SecondLife, tweet, Twitter, Web 2.0, Weekly News Brief, Zappos

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