
Domain Name & Username Recovery

FairWinds understands that, in the hands of a cybersquatter or another third-party, domain names and social media usernames that contain a company’s brand or trademark can wreak havoc on the company’s hard-earned brand image, and even cause the company to lose money and customers. That is why we have worked to develop best-in-class Domain Name & Username Recovery Services. FairWinds’ End-to-End Recovery Process approaches each case comprehensively to ensure that all recovery efforts fit in with out clients’ larger business goals.

We offer our clients an unrivaled rate of success when it comes to recovering valuable domain names and social usernames. With 22 years of experience, our team of digital experts and seasoned attorneys is well versed in a wide variety of recovery mechanisms across the domain space and multiple social media platforms, affording the greatest chance of success for the lowest cost based on each unique recovery scenario. These methods include, among others, harpoon services, drop catching, cease and desist letters, and the UDRP.

  • Evaluate: FairWinds’ team begins by prioritizing domain names for recovery, targeting the best domains to deliver a generous return on investment for clients
  • Recover: FairWinds provides clients with cost-effective and reliable means of recovering domain names, maximizing the rate of success
  • Reinvigorate: Our technical experts redirect domains and usernames to the best sites or pages, reinvigorating and adding value to our clients’ digital portfolios
Evaluate. Recover. Reinvigorate.

Contact us to put FairWinds’ experience, as a strategic advisor to over 40 global corporations on matters related to new gTLDs, to work for your company today.