Getting Up on a Soapbox

Josh Bourne ⬥ 9 June

Last week, when I attended Rep. Boucher’s congressional hearing on the relationship between Internet governing body ICANN and the U.S. government, I was encouraged to see how many representatives are informed on this topic and are looking to get at the source of the cybersquatting problem.

There’s a great opportunity here- Congress is listening. Concerned about their constituents, congressional members are looking to better understand Internet governance, how it is broken and what can be done to fix it. Brand owners, used to bearing the burden of policing the space, now have a sympathetic (and powerful) ear.

As government leaders are educating themselves on domain name abuse, brand owners need to be vocal about their experiences. By providing an accurate representation of the domain name landscape as it exists today, brand owners can show policy makers the magnitude of the problems that they are facing and spur action in the national arena.

Tags: brand owners, congressional hearing, cybersquatting, domain name, ICANN, Internet governance, policy makers, Rep. Boucher, U.S. government

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