- Blog
By Steve Levy As the calendar flips over to a New Year, there’s glitter, candle wax, and Polaroids on the floor. As I’m cleaning up...
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By Steve Levy One element of par. 4(a)(i) of the UDRP requires proof that a complainant own trademark rights that relate to the disputed domain...
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By Steve Levy A recent decision raises two very timely and critical issues. First is whether the case is being decided based on all of...
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By Steve Levy A frequent defense made by domain name owners is that they’re not responsible for the pay-per-click (monetized advertising) links on their website...
- Web3/Blockchain Domains
A new digital asset has arrived – blockchain domains, also known as Web3 and/or NFT domains. The assets exist on blockchains, which operate as decentralized...
- Blog
An increasing proportion of major brands experience trademark infringement year-over-year1. As of 2020, 85% of brands saw infringement1 with a large proportion occurring online through...
- Blog
The Fundamental Knowledge Needed to Expand Your Business Online How easily can new customers find you online? Is your domain name an exact match to...
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Held virtually in July 2021, ICANN 71 featured policy-focused presentations and cross-organizational sessions. The policies discussed were particularly community oriented, with an emphasis on the...
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By Alexandra Zins Throughout the related sessions at the ICANN 64 Public Meeting in Kobe, Japan, it was clear that addressing domain abuse will be...
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By Lauren Tracey Every consumer who buys goods or services online is potentially a target for cybercriminals in search of your personal information. This means...
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By Emily Johns In October, ICANN and its community convened for their third and final public meeting of the year in Barcelona, Spain. The meeting,...