- Domain Name Strategy
Samantha Demetriou ⬥ 24 March After penning yesterday’s blog post, I was tempted to do exactly two things: one, buy and consume an entire dozen...
- Domain Name Strategy
Samantha Demetriou ⬥ 23 March In my opinion, the worst thing that can happen to a cupcake is its frosting falling off. But after reading...
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- Domain Name Strategy
Josh Bourne ⬥ 28 February Loyal readers will recognize the clock in the photograph below. It is the Clock of Citizens in Brussels, Belgium,...
- Domain Name Strategy
Josh Bourne ⬥ 28 February The first day of the GAC-ICANN Board meeting was very encouraging. Governments appear to be aware of the difficulties that...
- Domain Name Strategy
Josh Bourne ⬥ 24 February News about the political unrest in Libya has been flooding the airwaves since protests broke out last week. According to...
- Domain Name Strategy
Josh Bourne ⬥ 24 February This week, FairWinds’ new Chief Operating Officer Pete Langdon and I have been travelling around Switzerland for meetings with various...
- Domain Name Strategy
Josh Bourne ⬥ 24 February On one of our last day here in Switzerland, Pete and I had lunch with one of our contacts at...
- Domain Name Strategy
Phil Lodico ⬥ 31 January …There’s delicious barbecue and delectable domain names. Devoted Domain Name Strategy readers will remember my post from a few months...
- Domain Name Strategy
Josh Bourne ⬥ 28 January A recent post in Advertising Age’s Digital Next blog ponders the question, is Google biased? Well, not really pondered, per...
- Domain Name Strategy
FairWinds Partners ⬥ 26 January The value that a category-defining keyword domain can contribute to an existing business can be huge. A recent article in...
- Domain Name Strategy
Liz Sweezey ⬥ 21 January While perusing through to catch up on some news recently, I came across an interesting post on the Eatocracy...