- Domain Name Strategy
Josh Bourne ⬥ 12 October Misspelling a domain name is a common mistake. Most of the time you’ll end up on a page that doesn’t...
- gTLD Strategy
FairWinds Partners — October 11, 2012 The last time we wrote about new gTLD application batching (or metering or sequencing) here on the gTLD Strategy...
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- gTLD Strategy
FairWinds Partners — October 2, 2012 This week, a few members of the FairWinds team are off in London to meet with some clients and...
- Domain Name Strategy
Phil Lodico ⬥ 28 September A new report by Mashable makes it clear that direct navigation to online retail websites is biggest driver of ecommerce...
- Domain Name Strategy
Phil Lodico ⬥ 28 September A new report by Mashable makes it clear that direct navigation to online retail websites is biggest driver of ecommerce...
- Domain Name Strategy
Josh Bourne ⬥ 23 September As of earlier this week, luxury retailer Chanel Inc. has filed a massive cyberpiracy and trademark infringement lawsuit against 399...
- Domain Name Strategy
Josh Bourne ⬥ 26 September Most observers probably consider Old Spice’s “Believe in Your Smellf” ad campaign to be a success. In the patented Old...
- gTLD Strategy
FairWinds Partners — September 21, 2012 If you’re a new gTLD applicant, there is a chance that at some point over the past few weeks,...
- Domain Name Strategy
Josh Bourne ⬥ 18 September Pinterest, inarguably one of the fastest rising stars of the social media world this year (and the subject of a...
- Domain Name Strategy
Josh Bourne ⬥ 18 September Pinterest, inarguably one of the fastest rising stars of the social media world this year (and the subject of a...
- Domain Name Strategy
Josh Bourne ⬥ 12 September On Monday afternoon, GoDaddy.COM, the largest ICANN-accredited registrar in the world, suffered a major outage, which resulted in a blackout...